Monday, October 26, 2009

about success

"Sure i m that this day we are masters of our fate,that the task which has been set before us is not above our strength ; that its pangs and toils are beyond my endurance. As long as we have faith in our cause and an unconqerable will to will, victory will not be denied us"

What is victory? Success?

I once thought to myself success is when I grow into a better individual every passing day, I seem to succeed... but in reality I dont really think so...

Success is when u have the clothes u always wanted to have, the dimond ring that u always dreamt of, when u win over the prof who always hated you, when u win over a friend who never really loved u... On top of that success is when u can really let things be... when you can forgive.

I had this realization today, and I am trying to digest this new philomat (Materialistic+ philosophical) concept of sucsess


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Jigu,

    What is victory? Success?

    Is it the materialistic philosophical concept of success or circle concept which you mentioned in one of your earlier blog?

    The thoughts you mentioned are contradictory. “Don’t expect to get anything back; don’t expect recognition for your efforts… don’t expect your genius to be discovered or your love to be understood. Complete the circle.”: it’s a noble thought which if followed would change your life. Success what I mean is to achieve this tough tasks. It’s getting something which in first look gives us a thought ‘It’s not my cup of tea.’

    The main question which arises here is. what we consider as our success is actually the real success or just a human want?

    The simple solution which I discovered for this is just imagine if you are unable to achieve what you want, inspite of max. effort you have provided to get that?

    Are you satisfied if not happy? No, are you frustrated because of that?

    If Yes… you are aiming for a wrong target. Else you will know the real meaning of success.

    Just try this- Work hard for a project or event, get it successful even if its credit goes to someone else. Now after its success thank the god for successful completion of the event and do a help for a noble cause to enjoy your success. You will feel you are on the seventy sky and real success of your life.

    Varun Agrawal

  3. Well that is exactly what i wanted to say, when i mentioned earlier regarding closing the circle is about forgiving people, and clearing consince,but about victory i have two sets of approaches that is why i called it "Philo-mat" approach

  4. hiiii jigi,

    i really liked the way u described the Success, and 4 me success is when u hav wht u really want 2 hav

    condition applied:
    pple who reaaly matters 4 u, r also happy with u and 4 u(which is a difficult thing in today's era)
